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Tender Law assists in drafting a PPP agreement for the restoration of the Sint-Janshospitaal in Damme

In Damme, efforts have been ongoing for several years to repurpose the historic Sint-Janshospitaal. With the assignment of the project to our client, the TM Global Monument group, a significant step has been taken in the restoration of this site from the thirteenth century. Tender Law is proud of the role our firm has played […]

Tender Law assists in drafting a PPP agreement for the restoration of the Sint-Janshospitaal in Damme Read More »

Tender Law facilitates successful real estate transactions for the Federal Government (Federale Pensioendienst – Service fédéral des Pensions)

Tender Law is delighted to announce its advisory role in the recent public real estate transactions for the Federale Pensioendienst – Service fédéral des Pensions, on the sale of the historic Eiermarkt Building in Antwerp to Katoen Natie, as well on the acquisition of a new property. The Federale Pensioendienst – Service fédéral des Pensions

Tender Law facilitates successful real estate transactions for the Federal Government (Federale Pensioendienst – Service fédéral des Pensions) Read More »

Tender Law assisted the Flemish government (Vlaams Agentschap Justitie en Handhaving, afdeling Vlaams Centrum Elektronisch Toezicht) in the procurement of modern ankle bracelets

In an occasional joint procurement procedure in the name and on behalf of the three communities, the Flemish Community acted as contracting authority. The contract, awarded by competitive dialogue, was won by the Israeli company Allied Universal Electronic Monitoring. The modern anklets go beyond traditional electronic monitoring by providing, among other things, a victim alert.

Tender Law assisted the Flemish government (Vlaams Agentschap Justitie en Handhaving, afdeling Vlaams Centrum Elektronisch Toezicht) in the procurement of modern ankle bracelets Read More »

Legal amendment improving governance and transparency in Belgium public procurement

The law of 8 February 2023 mainly amends the law of June 17 2016 on public procurement (Public Procurement Law 2016). Thus, as an entrepreneur, you will gain more insight into the contracts that contracting authorities place and that currently remain under the radar. Additionally, the law focuses on reporting data to the competent authorities

Legal amendment improving governance and transparency in Belgium public procurement Read More »

Public contracts in the federal administration: the Belgian Court of Audit assesses and weighs up

The Belgian Court of Audit recently published a report on the audit it conducted in 2020 and 2021 into the legality and lawfulness of a selection of public contracts awarded by six public services, Defence and three federal agencies. The Court of Audit thus continues its practice of devoting an annual audit report to public

Public contracts in the federal administration: the Belgian Court of Audit assesses and weighs up Read More »

Significant price rises in current and future contracts: the Federal Public Service for Policy and Support (BOSA) published recommendations

Significant price rises in current and future contracts: the Federal Public Service for Policy and Support (BOSA) published recommendations It is widely known that the prices of raw materials and commodities are rising exceptionally around the world. The exceptionality of the price increases can hardly be disputed: for similar circumstances we must go back to

Significant price rises in current and future contracts: the Federal Public Service for Policy and Support (BOSA) published recommendations Read More »

De beslissing tot intekening op een overheidsopdracht: voortaan toch een daad van dagelijks bestuur?

Wie wil inschrijven op een overheidsopdracht moet erover waken dat zijn/haar offerte rechtsgeldig is ondertekend. Dit betekent (onder meer) dat de offerte moet zijn ondertekend door de persoon/personen die bevoegd of gemachtigd is/zijn om de onderneming te verbinden (artikel 44, §1 KB Plaatsing). Hierbij spelen de vennootschapswetgeving, de statuten, de benoemingsbesluiten en/of de eventuele volmachten

De beslissing tot intekening op een overheidsopdracht: voortaan toch een daad van dagelijks bestuur? Read More »

Does a group of economic operators in the public procurement context need to register with the CBE and keep separate accounts?

Article 8 §2 of the Act of 17 June 2016 on public procurement allows a “group of economic operators” to participate in a procurement procedure. The Act also states that the contracting authority may not impose the legal form of the tenderer(s), except if this is necessary for the proper execution of the contract and

Does a group of economic operators in the public procurement context need to register with the CBE and keep separate accounts? Read More »