Tender Law facilitates successful real estate transactions for the Federal Government (Federale Pensioendienst – Service fédéral des Pensions)

Tender Law is delighted to announce its advisory role in the recent public real estate transactions for the Federale Pensioendienst – Service fédéral des Pensions, on the sale of the historic Eiermarkt Building in Antwerp to Katoen Natie, as well on the acquisition of a new property.

The Federale Pensioendienst – Service fédéral des Pensions entrusted Tender Law with navigating the legal intricacies of these significant real estate transactions. Leveraging our profound understanding of property law, negotiations and public law Tender Law provided legal assistance throughout the process.

The Tender Law Team included Stijn Maeyaert, Nicolas Van Damme, Ellen Verschuere and Ine Verbelen.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all parties involved in these landmark transactions. It is our privilege to contribute to these public real estate initiatives.