Building Reliable Government Contracts. Together.

About us

Government contracts are a complex field. They have a considerable social value and financial impact for both governments and companies. At the same time there is increasing pressure from complex regulation, case law and critical public opinion. The need for specialised assistance is therefore considerable. Tender Law was born from this awareness. We are the first Belgian boutique law firm with a pure focus on government contracts and public procurement. This unique centre of gravity allows to offer our customers top-tier services and high added value at competitive rates.

Recent blog posts

Tender Law assists in drafting a PPP agreement for the restoration of the Sint-Janshospitaal in Damme

In Damme, efforts have been ongoing for several years to repurpose the historic Sint-Janshospitaal. With the assignment of the project...
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Tender Law facilitates successful real estate transactions for the Federal Government (Federale Pensioendienst – Service fédéral des Pensions)

Tender Law is delighted to announce its advisory role in the recent public real estate transactions for the Federale Pensioendienst...
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Tender Law assisted the Flemish government (Vlaams Agentschap Justitie en Handhaving, afdeling Vlaams Centrum Elektronisch Toezicht) in the procurement of modern ankle bracelets

In an occasional joint procurement procedure in the name and on behalf of the three communities, the Flemish Community acted...
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Our matters

Public Tenders

Tender Law offers expert assistance with government contracts in the broadest sense.


Tender Law has extensive experience in concessions, from advice to judicial assistance.

Public-Private Partnership (PPP)

Collaboration between the public and private sectors is a frequently used route for the development of public infrastructure and other projects.

Public Real Estate

Public real estate is a necessary part of social life. Every public property project is different so that various structures and legal concepts are used.

Construction Law

Thanks to its experience with public infrastructure and other (including private) complex construction projects, Tender Law can boast extensive expertise in the supervision of construction disputes.

Our services


Prevention is better than cure. Good advice avoids long-term problems.


Good legal assistance also focuses on the growth of the client himself.


Amicable or non-procedural settlement is not an option? Tender Law is your reliable companion in legal proceedings.

Legal Interim

Various tasks can be taken over or supported by our seconded lawyer-expert in public procurement law.


At Tender Law we believe that legal proceedings must always be an ultimate remedy.

Office locations


Kolonienstraat 18-24 Rue des Colonies
B-1000 Brussels


Torhoutse Steenweg 437a
B-8200 Bruges

We help solve your legal issues